A Magnetic Message Take a quick moment and think about the powerful and persuasive speeches you’ve heard. Whether it be from a business leader sharing their unique perspectives and philosophies, or an inspirational moment spoken from a character at that pivotal moment in a movie. What typically made these resounding dialogues connect with you included […]

Payment for services is a necessary component of your healing practice. For many mental health providers it can feel like an internal struggle to collect fees. Nonetheless, in order to succeed in private practice, practitioners must learn how to master the skill of fee collection.  Set the expectation and make your terms clear Stating the […]

Are you preparing for your Business Taxes? As a private practice counselor, the idea of tax season can bring up a lot of feelings. One of which includes discomfort and guilt especially when you don’t have a degree in business. Just like with any other facet of life, financial growth is a learning process. One […]

We frequently hear Project & Program Managers having complaints that their bosses are absent or just unable to give them the guidance, assistance, or communication they feel they require. If you identify with that, managing up is the most effective strategy to strengthen the bond and keep team goals on track. Many leaders value team […]

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Creating Measurable Meetings — Purpose Process Output (PPO) Being a successful Leader means genuinely understanding and showing the value of yours’ and others’ time, energy, and talents. You look for opportunities to improve your Leadership skills and communications, striving to become more clear, aligned, and trusted. Meetings are an opportunity to strengthen these Leadership skills. […]

I could run down a list of marketing tools and strategies, but the key to every marketing strategy is a foundation in knowing & understanding your ideal clients.  Although it may be tempting to believe that everyone needs your therapy services, one of the best aspects of owning your practice is that you have control […]

Many of us have entertained the idea of starting our own psychotherapy private practice.  Private Practice is the ultimate long-term career ambition for many therapists and counselors. However, starting your own counseling business is a personal triumph – one that requires discipline to reach the productivity and motivation levels needed so you keep moving toward […]

Being a Successful Leader, you view your skills as blessings which should be continuously improved. You understand one can respectfully challenge one’s own talent to gain introspection, changing your actions to continuously produce the best-out-of-yourself. Having a healthy competitive spirit is what fuels the drive to continuously improve your skills. But what about the way […]






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